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Lindy Displayport To Dvi-D Adapter - Video Converter - Parade Ps171 - Black

Lindy द्वारा
10% बचाए 10% बचाए
मूल कीमत 26.42
मूल कीमत 26.42 - मूल कीमत 26.42
मूल कीमत 26.42
मौजूदा कीमत 23.78
23.78 - 23.78
मौजूदा कीमत 23.78
394 स्टॉक में, शिप करने के लिए तैयार
The Lindy DisplayPort to DVI Converter is ideal for connecting a DisplayPort equipped source such as a PC or laptop to a DVI display or projector. It supports high definition video resolutions up to 1920x1200@60Hz. Active conversion ensures compatibility with various graphics cards including AMD Eyefinity, NVIDIA surround and Intel Collage.

This converter can also be used to add a secondary monitor for extended or mirrored desktop modes to increase productivity and screen real estate. It is also ideally suited for travelling due to its compact, lightweight form factor and convenient plug and play installation.
SKU 218223
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Name: Lindy Displayport To Dvi-D Adapter - Video Converter - Parade Ps171 - Black

MPN: 41734

EAN: 4002888417341

Brand: Lindy


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